
Industrial Pneumatic sb沙巴体育投注

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What are Industrial Pneumatic sb沙巴体育投注?

工业气动缸是一种低成本的替代液压缸或类似的工业应用,使用液压动力. Instead of fluids that are used in hydraulic applications to move force, pneumatic applications use compressed air to achieve the same force movement. 与其他方法相比,工业sb沙巴体育投注的使用产生较小的力和较慢的速度, 但它们重量轻,维护最少,以保持气压sb沙巴体育投注的最佳状态.

Pneumatic actuators are widely used in manufacturing, packaging, 和 material h和ling sectors. Some forms of pneumatic actuators include clamping applications, 移动应用程序, 标志的应用, 和 single-punch applications. The force behind these actuators is based on the size of the bore, 孔径越大, the more force is generated.

How Do Pneumatic sb沙巴体育投注 Work?

sb沙巴体育投注工作在空气压力上,有许多不同类型的sb沙巴体育投注,它们以不同的方式吸入空气并表现出力. We will look at a typical example below:

We will look at a small hammer type industrial machine that one person can operate in a factory setting. 工厂工人的任务是把一个金属片装到刚从金属压力机上拆下来的组装件的孔上. 这个金属片需要被锤打到位,以固定在孔和零件本身上,因为只有千分之一英寸的公差允许零件被正确地锤打进去.

工业机器在一个单作用sb沙巴体育投注上工作,一旦工厂工人准备好组装的部件并按下机器上的红色按钮,sb沙巴体育投注就会启动. Once the worker hits the button, sb沙巴体育投注启动并在腔室的一侧捕获压缩空气,并以足够的单冲力迫使机器向下,将金属片从孔中撞出,并将金属片与组装的部件相匹配. 当未使用的压缩空气从腔室两侧的排气阀流出时,机器的手臂通过弹簧机构慢慢恢复. 这就是为什么工厂工人在向下划桨时听到一阵短暂的气流,而在向上划桨时听到一阵短暂的气流.

Pneumatic Cylinder Components

单作用sb沙巴体育投注有一个端口空气进入腔室,这将通常是一个帽端端口或杆端端口. 压缩空气通过这些端口进入腔室,活塞通过压缩空气的爆发被力移动. 活塞通过弹簧加载机构(单作用sb沙巴体育投注)或使用来自另一个端口的压缩空气(双作用sb沙巴体育投注)收缩。. 头盖和端盖都是sb沙巴体育投注的两端,它们都是密封的,以保持压缩空气. The length of extension of the piston rod is measured by stroke length.

Types Of Pneumatic Actuators


拉杆气动执行器用于小口径和大口径sb沙巴体育投注,并且由于它们易于拆卸以在需要时提供服务而广受欢迎. These types of pneumatic cylinders use 钢 rods to secure end caps to the barrel of the cylinder. The larger the bore of the cylinder, the more tie rods that are needed to secure the end caps.


BOB沙巴体育登录 Pneumatic Actuators use strong welds to hold the end caps onto the cylinder barrel. These types of actuators are popular in packaging 和 manufacturing 和 can be used in press, 转移, 模具, 倾斜, 以及闩锁组件.


美国代表美国流体动力协会,这些类型的执行器是根据这些国家标准制造的. 美国国家消防协会(nfpa)的气动sb沙巴体育投注是按照这些规范和标准加工的,涉及到内径和杆径, 活塞密封类型, port locations 和 sizes, 和 other facets of actuator manufacturing. 使用nfpa气动sb沙巴体育投注是典型的工业应用,需要安全认证和保证在他们的工作.


如上所述, 单作用执行器使用压缩空气进入一个端口,以力推动活塞杆通过腔室. 返回行程通常是用一个弹簧加载机构来迫使活塞杆返回到主位置.


Double-acting actuators use compressed air in two ports versus one port of a single-acting actuator. 第二个端口作为弹簧,使用压缩空气力迫使活塞杆返回原位,而不是单一执行器使用的弹簧机构.


与其他类型的执行器相比,大口径气动执行器用于需要更多力的应用中. With pneumatic actuators, 孔径越大, the more force is created. Some industries that utilize large-bore pneumatic actuators are: Steel mills, 钻井, 海洋, 打包机, 矿业, 和 construction equipment.



Difference Between a Pneumatic 和 a Hydraulic Cylinder

气动缸和液压缸之间有明显的区别,这些区别始于用于操作它们的介质. 液压缸利用液压油将动力传递给活塞,并且能够比气动缸产生更大的力. Hydraulics are used in applications that require a lot of power or force, typically they’re used in car lifts, braking systems in automobiles, 自卸车升降机, 和 other applications.

A pneumatic cylinder utilizes air or gas as its main medium to transmit force through the piston. Although the force created is much lower than a hydraulic system, pneumatic systems can still put out reasonable amounts of force for most industrial applications. The applications that use pneumatic systems are typically: drills used by dentists, 钉子枪, air brakes in school buses 和 trains, air guns that blow off dust in factory assembly jobs, 和 other applications.

How To Choose an Air Cylinder

气瓶有各种形状和大小,如果你不知道你要找的是什么,为一个应用程序挑选一个气瓶可能会让你抓狂. 因此, 在为应用程序选择工业sb沙巴体育投注时,您应该考虑一些因素. The materials used in the actuator should be one of the first things to look for. The durability of the actuator is partially based upon the materials that it’s made of. You have actuators that are made out of stainless 钢, 聚合物, 钢, 铝, 黄铜, 以及其他材料.

How will your actuator mount to the equipment that you need it for? Will it be a typical normal mount? Or will it have to be custom-designed to fit within the application that you need it for? 这时,你的工程师就会加入谈话,向你展示机器的蓝图,以及执行器可以安装在机器上的方法. The trickier the fit, the harder it will be to find an actuator that will work, outside of having it custom-made which means delays in the process 和 more money out of pocket.

确保你有足够的空气进入执行器来满足它的应用. Nothing will grind an assembly line down quicker than a machine that can’t keep up with dem和. If the machine is struggling to take in enough air to operate at the speed of the line, then the operation will be slow 和 sluggish.

Dovetailing neatly with air intake is the speed of the stroke within the cylinder. 空气进入sb沙巴体育投注的速度与杆的长度相结合,将主要包括操作的速度. 确保冲程速度与进气口相结合,足以处理您的车间内最繁忙的生产线.

There are other facets to look out for as well including stroke length, 活塞的力, 和 type of cylinder needed for your individual application.


sb沙巴体育投注 行业 has been a player in the hydraulic 和 pneumatic cylinder game since 1972. 他们专门从事sb沙巴体育投注的制造和供应,为所有50个州,也擅长修理和重建sb沙巴体育投注,也提供sb沙巴体育投注更换. sb沙巴体育投注 行业 are also ISO-9001:2015 certified 和 are proud members of the FPDA, 美国, 和 the Fluid Power Society.